
How To Get Back Into The School Routine

How To Get Back Into The School Routine

Can you believe that school is starting in just a couple weeks? It’s that time again to get back into the swing of things. As we all know, kids are a creature of habit and getting the notorious school routine back into habit is so important to set them up for success. The first few days of school are a huge adjustment from vacation mode to classroom mode. Getting the routine established early on will help the transition run a little smoother. This can also be a time to create some fun memories! Go school shopping, clean up rooms, and create healthy electronic habits. Don’t forget, kids are habitual so sticking to the routines will make it easier to maintain throughout the school year. 


How To Get Back Into The School Routine


Establish A Bedtime Routine

Summer break is full of crazy sleep schedules, but when the school year hits a good bedtime routine will make all the difference in the morning routine.  We all know how important it is to wind down before bed. Dinner, bath, brush teeth, story and then snuggles and good night kisses will help kids get into the mindset that it’s time to sleep. Your routine may vary but don’t forget- creating good habits now will also help for future school years! 


Ditch The Electronics

Bedtime and electronics do not mix. Having your kids turn off electronics before bed will make a huge difference in getting their minds, and all the distractions that come with the iPad or phone, to settle and go into “night mode”.  They will sleep better without having to worry about the next notification that will come in. Sometimes it’s easy to stray away during summer break, but create those healthy habits now! It could last them well into their adult years. 

School Supply Organization 

The oh so loved school supply list doesn’t have to be a hassle! Purchasing the usual supplies that will most likely be on the list early on will help when it comes down to getting the particulars. For any aged school child, they all use similar supplies during the school year. Easy purchases can be notebooks, pencils, markers, or colored pencils. After you buy these items, get them organized by child and then put them up! Teachers also love classroom donations! They can be anything from dry erase markers, Lysol wipes, or even extra notebooks. School supplies can be a breeze with the right organizing tools!


Pro-tip: Teachers get a major influx of supplies at the beginning of the year but things slow down toward the middle and end.  Set a reminder in your calendar every 2-3 months to send a classroom supply like hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, etc.


Clean Up The Junk

Nesting helped me so much with this but organization makes a world of difference when it comes to back to school! It can be so relieving to go through old toys and clothes and just clean your child’s space. Starting the school year with their bedroom organized and ready for new memories will set the tone for a new start. It will also help organize a morning routine-with school clothes picked out for the next day, backpacks ready to go, and a peaceful place for a good night’s rest. Having a clean room promotes so many healthy habits for years to come. 


I hope these tips help in getting you and your kids ready for the school year to come!


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