
Postpartum Recovery Essentials

Postpartum Recovery Essentials


Women and mothers are no doubt super humans. Being able to carry a child for over 40 weeks (or so) is an incredible feat. Then bringing that new life into the world, and caring for it for the rest of its life. Moms are doing a lot to say the least. Moms are selfless. Especially when it comes to caring for their newborn babies. We focus so much on the baby. From newborn essentials to packing our hospital bag, to eating right for our growing baby. Sometimes we forget that we need some caring of our own too.

For many new moms, the first few weeks following your delivery is full of ups and downs. There is the incredible joy you’ll feel holding your newborn. There are also a lot of physical side effects you may have expected, or not. Whether you have a vaginal delivery or C-section, there are a lot of postpartum symptoms for new moms. It’s OK if you are nervous. However in an effort to make your postpartum experience a little less uncomfortable, today I’m sharing a list of the absolute best and completely essential postpartum recovery essentials. Trust me, as a mom of four, I’ve definitely learned what is needed for postpartum care, and what isn’t.

Postpartum Recovery Essentials

Before I dive into this list, I’m going to get real honest with you guys. If you aren’t aware already, I’m here to let you know that having a baby is the best thing in the world, it’s different for everyone, and there is quite a recovery process. It’s nothing to be fearful of, we all get through it. You will too, I promise. However, getting through your postpartum recovery, especially in the first few weeks, is all about being prepared and giving yourself the proper TLC you need to recover.

So in addition to picking up the items below so you’re all set, make sure to REST and take care of YOU. Healing starts from within, and if you’re over working yourself or don’t give yourself time to heal, it will just prolong the healing. You got this Mama! Here are a ton of postpartum recovery items for different aspects of postpartum care.

Postpartum Must Haves For Bleeding

Whether you have a vaginal or c-section delivery, you will have some vaginal bleeding and discharge after birth, known as lochia. This bleeding is your body’s way of removing excess blood and tissue from your uterus.

Maternity Pads

These pads are nothing like your average maxi pad. Postpartum bleeding is a heavy flow; therefore, these pads are big, thick, and designed to deal with it. Your hospital should provide you with a bunch but you’ll need some for home too.

Mesh Underwear or Adult Diapers

Their design isn’t the cutest, but they work well for securing big ice packs and pads. The light and airy mesh underwear are flexible. They’re wonderful since they’re disposable. You don’t have to keep them and dispose of them after use. Usually, the hospital will give you some but have a couple on hand just in case. You should have them at home ready to go because your bleeding can last up to three or four weeks. These are what I used + loved.

Chux Pads

To guard against postpartum bleeding turning into blood all over your bed, you may want to put these waterproof pads on your bed or wherever you wish to sit or lie down. This is especially helpful if you’re experiencing heavy bleeding postpartum. Always good to have on hand!

Postpartum Care Items For Soothing Soreness

The likelihood is that you may experience some pain while your body recovers. It’s possible to return home with a bruised perineum, sutures after an episiotomy or rip, body aches from soreness, the works! Make your postpartum time more pleasant by having these items on hand:

Peri Bottle

It’s also commonly known as a squirt bottle. You pour warm (not cold or hot) tap water into the bottle and gently press it to release a stream of water over your perineum while urinating and after each trip to the toilet. You’ll need this little guy to keep things clean down there while you’re recovering and wiping isn’t an option. Sorry if this is TMI! But I want to be as honest as possible with you guys! You’ll be too sore down there to wipe and there will be a lot of blood. So the peri bottle is a must!

Sitz Bath

Sitz baths are tubs that sit on top of the toilet. You can use them to relax your lady parts and any areas sore from labor. They are also known to treat constipation. Sitting in a warm sitz bath for twenty minutes promotes circulation, which aids in healing. A cold sitz bath for 20 minutes may help decrease swelling and discomfort.

Ice Packs

You’ll be pretty inflamed when you get home from the hospital. Plus, you’ll have raging pregnancy hormones and even possibly pretty sore lady parts. Ice is effective in reducing pain and swelling. You can use these ice packs to reduce inflammation, ease your sore lady parts, and overall recover faster.

Pain Medicine

Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (ibuprofen) are often used to treat postpartum discomfort. Most hospitals will send you home with the appropriate pain meds. If you’re nursing, you should speak with your doctor first before taking any over-the-counter medications.

Donut Pillow

A regular pillow or donut pillow may help you sit more comfortably by relieving pressure on your swelling perineum or if you’re one of the lucky ones, hemorrhoids. Yes, sorry if this is TMI ladies but hemorrhoids do occur postpartum. It’s better to be prepared with a donut pillow if you know what I mean!

Postpartum Shower Essentials

Every mom can relate to the pure feeling of bliss that is the first post labor shower. Honestly, there is nothing better than your first shower after having a baby. It just feels so necessary, and so refreshing. So make sure to grab all the items on this postpartum shower list to have the best first shower experience.

Postpartum Belly Wrap

These are great for both C section and vaginal delivery postpartum care. The belly wrap is just that, something you wrap around your belly that gives it a little more support. You’ve been carrying around a baby for 9 months and suddenly it’s gone! Your belly will feel sore, and a bit weak. So using a wrap for support and to help activate your abdominal muscles can really help with overall recovery.

Postpartum Recovery Essentials If You Had C-Section

If you know you’ll have a c-section, you may want to prepare some extra things to assist with the pain and recovery. If you undergo an unexpected c-section, give this list to your husband, a family member, or friend that can help you get these items.

Stool Softeners

Having a bowel movement after delivery may be frightening and uncomfortable. I know all of my seasoned mama’s out there can relate! The first poop is always the most feared! Again, so sorry for the TMI! A stool softener will assist with constipation, mainly because anesthesia and pain medications can induce constipation. Keep in mind that your doctor may prescribe something. If not, ask for recommendations, especially if you intend to breastfeed. You want to make sure anything you take is safe for baby!

Loose-Fitting Clothes

Wearing soft, oversized clothing protects your incision and keeps it from bothering you while you recover. Some ladies choose a smooth, flexible belly band for extra protection. Consult your doctor beforehand. You don’t want to do anything that hinders healing.

Postpartum Recovery Essentials for Breast Care

Initially, your body produces breast milk whether you want to or not. But after a few weeks, if you aren’t nursing, your milk supply should dry up.
Whether you want to breastfeed or bottle-feed, you will need to care for your breasts after delivery. Here are some essentials for every feeding choice.

Supportive Bra

After a baby, your breasts may feel engorged, full, heavy, and painful. A decent bra will be comfy and support your breasts without being overly tight. Breastfeeding moms may make use of a supportive nursing bra to help make their experience more comfortable. I also love these– come in a pack of three and I have the pack of nude bras.

Breast Pads

It doesn’t matter whether you intend to breastfeed or not; all new moms produce breast milk. And breast pads help to keep leaks under control. Anything to avoid the dreaded breast milk stains on my shirt please!

Nipple Cream

Nipples may become sore, cracked, or uncomfortable in almost all nursing mothers and even to some non-nursing mothers. To relieve the discomfort or tenderness, you may use a nipple lotion or ointment. I also LOVE these silver nipple covers– they help to quickly heal & soothe.

Breastfeeding Pillow

A breastfeeding pillow is beneficial in the first few weeks after birth if you want to breastfeed. A nursing cushion just makes it a little easier so you can rest the baby on the cushion rather than having to juggle both your newborn and your boobs.

What’s on your new mama recovery list?

Knowing what you need for your postpartum recovery and having the right essentials may help you feel mentally prepared. Plus, I promise these items will truly make your experience a bit easier. As a mama of four, I am no expert but I do think I’ve learned a thing or two along the way. If you plan ahead, you’ll be in good shape when baby arrives! Then, you may have the chance to spend more time being a new parent and having fun with your baby.

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