
Pregnancy Travel Essentials


 Pregnancy Travel Essentials


Finally home from jet-setting quite a bit before baby #3 arrives and I’ve got to say, I’m kind of happy about it!  I love to travel and show our children new places that they’ve never been, but traveling while pregnant is no simple task, especially in the late second and third trimesters.  I was able to have enough practice, though, to figure out my traveling essentials that made traveling while pregnant much much easier.

My Pregnancy Travel Essentials

Prenatal Vitamins

Vitamins can be so easy to forget, but taking them while traveling may be even more important than on regular days.  I don’t know about you, but I pay a little less attention to my diet while traveling (I can’t resist the chips and salsa and yummy local treats!) so I want to make sure I’m at least consuming the nutrients the baby needs each day through a prenatal vitamin.  Prenatals will also help boost your immune system which is so necessary while traveling!

Hand Sanitizer and Sanitizing Wipes

Being pregnant, especially in the final weeks, is pretty uncomfortable on its own, so I definitely don’t want to layer a cold or flu on top of that! No thank you. I pack lots of hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes in my carry-on bag so that I have easy access and can wipe down arm rests and trays and feel like I’m fighting off a few germs.

Sleep Essentials: Eye Mask, Lavender Oil, and Headphones

Insomnia can get the best of me while pregnant so opportunities to nap on a flight or on a road trip are great ways to catch a little rest.  I like to have a sleeping eye mask that blacks out light well, a good pair of headphones to play white noise sounds, and a small roller ball of lavender oil that I can roll on my wrists and temples.  And there you go! A peaceful rest while you travel.

Reusable Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is important for you and the baby!  I like to bring a Hydroflask or Rtic Cup with me while traveling to make sure I’m getting plenty of water.  I only use it for water so that it doesn’t get too dirty while I’m gone.

Healthy Snacks

This mama loves to munch!  I try to pack a few healthy snacks in my diaper bag or carry on that won’t add unnecessary calories but will keep me full and energized.  Almonds, protein bars, raisins, pretzels, and skinny pop popcorn a few of my favorite treats to pack because I love them and so do my kiddos!

Bio Oil and Lotion

Utah can tend to be pretty dry so these products are necessary for me on a daily basis, but I make sure not to forget them on long flights or road trips.  Dry air can make skin lose its elasticity, therefore making cracks or stretch marks worse.  I bring a small container of bio oil and lotion with me in my purse so that my skin can be hydrated in a pinch.

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask

You guys, this one is a total game changer.  I’ve started to use it on myself and my kids as our regular lip moisturizer because it is SO good.  I love to slather quite a bit on before a flight or road trip to keep my lips from getting too dehydrated.

Flats, Slides, and Comfortable Shoes

My hands and feet, like many pregnant women, can tend to swell a bit, especially on long flights.  It is a must for me to bring flat and comfortable shoes not only on the flight, but for the trip in general.  I love cute and casual sneakers for exploring new places and a comfy pairs of slides or sandals for dinner or the beach.


Nausea Medicine

This applies mainly to first trimester mamas, but for some of you this is a full-pregnancy sort of deal. Traveling can sometimes exacerbate morning sickness so bringing sea-bands and ginger drops are musts if you struggle with this!


My tips for traveling while pregnant:

  • Don’t stress. I try to take the pressure off while traveling by arriving early to the airport, listening to calming podcasts, and just being mindful and living in the moment while traveling to reduce stress and travel anxiety.
  • Comfort is key. You definitely can look cute and be comfortable at the same time! I love traveling in comfortable leggings or joggers, a loose tee and a denim jacket or sweatshirt to make sure I’m not feeling restricted or uncomfortable in an already uncomfortable situation.
  • Be prepared. Making sure your bag is packed with your most important travel essentials is going to give you peace of mind and help you enjoy your travels even more.  Most, if not all, of these items can fit in a diaper bag or small carry on bag.


Pregnancy Travel Essentials


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