
How To Wake Up Feeling Refreshed And Energized This Year

How To Wake Up Feeling Refreshed And Energized


To all the sleepy mamas out there: I know how those first few hours of the day can be rough, especially if your baby or babies are teething/growing/etc. Morning fatigue can be absolutely brutal!  


Feeling refreshed and energized first thing in the morning can be so difficult, but I find that when I adjust my habits after less than enough sleep, it allows me to make the best of each day. These aren’t huge changes, just making the things I’m already doing work a little better to help me and my productivity levels.


If optimizing your day is one of your New Year’s Resolutions, I’m right there with you!  I am so excited to share my secrets when it comes to tweaking a few things in your morning and evening routines to help boost your energy level for the day and feel refreshed and ready to go. 


How To Wake Up Feeling Refreshed And Energized This Year


Out of Sight, Out of Mind

I don’t know about you, but if I can’t sleep or am up with Preston in the middle of the night, online shopping or scrolling is my go-to. But I know at the end of the day, it’s not helping my sleep. To try and eliminate late night blue-light, I have started an intentional nighttime routine. I start my routine by making my favorite herbal tea and setting my intentions for the next day. Goals I want to accomplish and mindfully celebrate the things I did accomplish that day. I plug my phone into the kitchen outlet to help keep it out of my room and I’ve invested in a nice alarm clock. Keeping my phone out of the bedroom has helped rid me of the temptation to scroll or go for my phone if I wake up.


Routine, Routine, Routine

Nighttime can sometimes be chaotic. Who am I kidding, with four kids pretty much everything is chaotic.  Different ages with different sleep schedules doesn’t help, but in the Thompsy home we are all about a good bedtime routine. Getting everyone on a normal sleep cycle will help all of our days run more smoothly. I try to get my kids and myself into bed at around the same each night (and it tends to be fairly early). After putting the kids to bed and shower/doing my skincare routine. I also will prepare outfits and breakfast if I know that we have a busy day the next day. Eliminating caffeine late in the day has helped SO much with going to bed easily at the end of the day. After a good night’s sleep, I am able to focus more and my productivity levels are much higher. 


Early Bird Gets The Worm

Hitting the snooze button has never worked in my favor. 5 minutes become 10 become 30. Then I’m running late and my day is off to a negative start. When my alarm goes off, I try to get up, make my bed, and drink a glass of water. I then promptly get to my workout and have already accomplished a few things that help me feel more energized. My workout helps get my mind and blood flowing and helps me prepare for the day. I have found that getting in my workout first thing in the morning also helps, endorphins and all. Drinking that glass of cold water in the morning also helps wake up my mind and body. Bonus- it helps your metabolism too! 


When you are a mother, being tired can really put a damper on everyone’s day. Making healthy habits at night will allow for better mornings and more successful days. Let me know if you try a few of these tips out. I would love to know if they helped! 



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