
Four Simple Ways To Make 2022 Your Year

Four Simple Ways To Make 2022 Your Year

Oh my gosh, what a wild ride you guys! 2021 was an amazing, blurry, blessing of a year for myself and our family. When our rainbow baby, Preston, was born, he really put the cherry on top of everything and we are so grateful. Last year was such a blast and we are so excited about what 2022 has in store. To me, bringing in the New Year also means bringing in new intentions and goals


There are a few things that I like to do to get centered ahead of a new year.  I don’t try to reinvent things too much, but just make small tweaks to things that I’d like to do differently in the year or eliminate things that I feel didn’t serve me in the last year.  Here are a few tips to make 2022 YOUR year!


Four Simple Ways To Make 2022 Your Year


Give Thanks

Something that has helped me so much this year is taking every Sunday to write in my journal about the things I’m thankful for. I have found that acknowledging all of my blessings through the week has helped me start a great mind set for the next week. It can even be a couple words or sentences. 


We know that gratitude has so many amazing benefits, but I like to make it a part of my regular routine so that it becomes habitual.  There are so many amazing things to be grateful for and I never want to forget that.  So, ahead of a New Year, I love to do a deeper dive into what I’m grateful for.  I like to review my photos from the year and remember all of the amazing things that happened last year and write them down.  


Remembering the blessings from last year truly helps me know what I want to have happen in the years to come.  It reminds me what makes me feel amazing and what to do more of.


Make It Actionable 

We all love a big goal but I think sometimes setting huge goals can overwhelm more than encourage.  This year I am resolving to make small, actionable tasks that get me toward a big goal, and scheduling those on my calendar.


Chunking things down helps my brain wrap itself around bigger tasks and makes me feel like I can actually do it! I truly do believe that any goal is achievable as long as you break it down far enough into actionable steps you can do daily and/or weekly.


Spark Joy


There is something about a clean, organized closet that just makes you feel like a new person! I know that “cleaning out your closet” seems like something daunting and also like… I’ve done this A MILLION times!  But what if instead of just going through things and getting rid of what we don’t like, what if we came at it from a different angle?


This year, I want to only keep clothes in my closet that make me feel like my best self.  My aspirational self.  I think that how you present yourself is a reflection of how you feel about yourself so why aren’t we keeping our closets full of clothes of that reflect who we WANT to be?!  I think it’s such a fun way to look at a closet cleanout and I’m so excited to get creative with my looks and outfits this year.


Meal Plan In Advance

Take the steps to stay on top of your grocery trips this year.  I’ve been sharing my weekly meal plans here and there on IG and you guys are loving them!  What I do is fairly simple, but it goes a long way in preparation for healthy meals for the whole week.


All I do is sit down on a Saturday or Sunday and plan out the next week of meals. Then I make a coinciding shopping list. There are tons of stores now that offer drive up grocery pick up and that makes all the difference and saves so much time, especially if you’ve got littles! If you are absolutely dreading going to the store then Instacart is a win (and my personal fave).  We instacart a big costco haul once or twice a month to stock up on snacks, pantry staples, diapers, etc. They bring your groceries right to your door. 


No matter what your goals are this year, I support you! Let’s make 2022 our year!


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