
Baby Morning Routine

 morning routine for baby Porter! Baby Morning Routine

Hi, sweet friends! Today I wanted to share a little of my morning routine with our sweet Porter. First of is he already 16 weeks?! Time needs to seriously slowwwww down. He is growing, learning, and changing every day and I am just savoring every second with him in this “new baby” stage. He is as sweet as can be, so dang chill, and a total mama’s boy (you know I really love that, haha!) I absolutely love our mornings together because he is always so happy and playful. If you have been around for awhile, then you know we love a good routine over here at the Thompsy casa. It makes us all happier and helps things go so much more smoothly. Keep in mind that we all parent different, and that is amazing and great! You do you, mama. You know your baby and know what’s best for them. I’m just sharing what works for us 🙂


Waking Up

Porter has slept through the night a handful of times, but still usually wakes up at least once to eat. He wakes up around 6:30 for his morning feeding and  diaper change then will go right back to sleep until around 7:30.


Mommy Time

After he eats and goes back down, I like to use this time to do anything I want to start my day. My older two usually wake up around 7, so I get a good 30 minutes to myself usually. During this time, I like to freshen up, brush my teeth, and drink my warm lemon water in peace. I also start breakfast for the kiddos so it’s ready when they wake up! I totally recommend this. It gets me up and energized for the day and gives me a second to really wake up.


Baby Wakes

Once Porter wakes up, I am really awake and ready to enjoy some time with him. He plays on his play mat and we listen to music (music is huge in our home and we all LOVE it). I will also start getting the big kids ready during this time and Porter just likes to watch and coo at us! As always, I pick out my kids’ clothes the night before I go to bed and lay them out so there’s one less thing for me to have to do in the morning. I love to take him into his room to get him dressed and cleaned up for the day. He plays with some of his toys and I read books to the kiddos. Tatum loves to help me with “baby Porter”, too. I also kiss and snuggle him as much as possible… this is my favorite part! I always want my children to know just how loved and cherished they are.


Prep For Nap

Around 9:30/10, Porter will normally be ready for a nap. I change his diaper, put him in his sleep sack, and feed him. I’ve been putting him down in his crib for naps and he is doing amazing in there! I turn on his sound machine and he puts himself right to sleep. I will usually workout during this time. After his nap, we will repeat the change, feed, play. He plays in his swing in my bathroom while I shower and quickly get ready and I use this baby wrap daily to clean or prep meals for the family.


I try really hard to prep as much as I can the night before (lunches, clothes, cleaning up, etc) so our mornings can go smoothly and I can enjoy time with our littles without feeling rushed or stressed. Anyways, we have learned to really love mornings over here so I thought I would share! What is something you do to help your mornings go smoothly? Would ya’ll like to hear about our bedtime routine next? Thanks for stopping by! XOXO


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