
7 Ways to Decrease Postpartum Stress

7 Ways to Decrease Postpartum Stress 7 Ways to Decrease Postpartum Stress


Welcoming a new baby home is oh so magical, but can also bring in a little extra stress. New mamas can definitely agree that life gets a little crazy when your little bundle arrives. Trying to adjust to a new routine not only for your baby, your family, and yourself can take time, but is so manageable! I am so excited to share my tips to easing into a new normal with you. 


7 Ways to Decrease Postpartum Stress


Netflix Stand Ups

A good laugh can honestly heal the soul! Netflix has a plethora of stand up comedies that are so funny. Need to veg out and just take some emotional stress off? Comedy. Just laugh. It can also be fun to watch with your partner. Quality time and laughing? I’m in.  Fun Fact: Ali Wong- had me in absolute tears. 


Romantic Comedies

If you know me, you know how much I love 90’s and early 2000’s rom-coms.  They are my favorite genre to watch and always will be. Romantic comedies are an easy watch while nursing, while cooking, for a little mama quiet time or even a little in house date night. Netflix has a great selection and you can rent off Amazon Prime as well. Who doesn’t love a little love? Bonus- A good romantic comedy can relieve some emotional stress. 


Take A Walk

Taking a walk after having a baby should honestly be doctor’s orders. Getting those endorphins working in your body and fresh air are the best combo. This is my favorite stroller. If you can just get your body moving, you will feel better. I love taking Porter too! It helps him burn energy, helps me feel like I’m burning extra calories, and helps soothe Preston. It’s a win all around.


Hire A Cleaning Service

Sid and I both love a clean house and I honestly love to have a cleaning schedule and having little tasks to keep the house clean regularly, but hiring a cleaning company once or twice a month in the fourth trimester is such a game changer.  I like to have them do things that are easily forgotten or difficult for me with a baby, like baseboards, blinds, cleaning the fronts of cabinets, dusting lighting, etc. You just birthed an entire human- treat yourself! Hiring a cleaning service to take one extra thing off your plate is amazing. Skip those dishes and snuggle your little one. I would even recommend doing it before the baby is here. It helps with the nesting phase that much more.


Create A Sanctuary 

Create a space just for you. This can be as grand or as small as you’d like it to be. Sanctuary space for me can be my bathroom, where I can take a relaxing shower with my favorite wash and candles. It can be my favorite chair where I can read or meditate for an hour. It can be my family room rug in the perfect morning light for some yoga. Whatever it may be for you, take some time to slow down and appreciate you. You are a superhero!


Ease Into Workouts

Like with walking, getting the endorphins going in your body is so healing. With that said, don’t pressure yourself to get that pre-baby body back.  Enjoy this chapter of your story and take it slow. Easy workouts can be walking, yoga, or even simple at home workouts on YouTube. Bonus- A lot of at home workouts can be done with your littles!


Instacart Your Groceries

Instacart has absolutely been a time saver for our family! I can make a meal plan at home and then put in for my groceries to be delivered right to my house. They shop at Costco, Smith’s, and so much more. The app is super user friendly and it makes for one less trip with a new baby. 


I hope these small suggestions can help you ease into the postpartum phase.  And I know you’re tired and stressed. I see you Mama. Take time for you. Slow down. Enjoy every moment with your littles. You’ve got this! Order those groceries and go on that walk.

Postpartum Stress Tips

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