
Outdoor Voices

Outdoor Voices active gear great for maternity wear!


You guys.. I’m 37 weeks pregnant! Finally…the final stretch! Not that I’m counting down or anything… Truman was born at 38 weeks so I could really have a baby ANY day now (although I wouldn’t mind her cooking for a bit longer- there’s something so special about growing a HUMAN!) Up until this last month of pregnancy, I was able to stay very active and that was
truly a lifesaver. Not only did I feel much better, but I truly believe it will help in my labor and recovery. This last month has been more difficult with the aches, pains, and pressures, but I’ve made it a goal to at least walk every day! This is something we as a family really love and enjoy to do together. One of the reasons we bought our house where we did is because of the amazing trails and running paths! Finding fun ways to stay active is key. We love to get out and take a long walk to Truman’s favorite park or head to the little lake nearby to watch the birds. Truman loves it and it keeps me active, so it’s really a win-win.

As always, I love finding amazing workout clothes. I recently discovered Outdoor Voices & I am seriously so in love with their gear! Outdoor Voices makes technical apparel for both men and women that is geared towards everyday recreation. I love their message, “We believe in Doing Things, moving your body & having fun with friends”. They are all about dropping expectations and having fun & that’s where the magic happens. I love this message and that Outdoor Voices promotes finding recreation in everyday life! Their gear has been designed for sweating in and their fabrics are seriously amazing. I have been living in these leggings since I got them and will continue to wear them often after the baby comes, as well! All of their pieces are interchangeable and high quality. They carry everything from amazing leggings (definitely my favorite), jacketssports bras, etc..I definitely encourage you to check this great company out and embrace their message to get out and start “DOING THINGS!” XO

Outdoor Voices active gear great for maternity wear! Outdoor Voices active gear great for maternity wear! Outdoor Voices active gear great for maternity wear! Stay fit while pregnant!

*Thanks to Outdoor Voices for sponsoring this post!

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