
How I’m Prepping For Baby #3

Baby #3 is almost here and I wanted to share with you all how I've been spending my time prepping for our newest addition to arrive! Labor prep, hospital prep and post-partum prep! Comment with some of your prepping tips! #trulydestiny #pregnantstyle #preppingforbaby #nesting #postpartum #womensfashion


*Each pregnancy is different so I recommend asking your doctor what they recommend for you. This is just what has been approved/ worked for me in my previous pregnancies. 

How I’m Prepping For Baby #3



Labor Prep

Labor Prep

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I start drinking Raspberry Leaf tea around 36 weeks. I actually enjoy the taste and drink it iced! It is supposed to help tone your uterus and help you have easier labors and better recoveries. I will say with my last two I have had both, so I am hoping it’s the same this time around, too!


I also love taking Evening Primrose Oil during the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. Evening primrose oil may help the cervix soften and efface (thin out). Other studies suggest that it can help shorten labor duration!  Again, I used this for both of my previous labors and was happy with my deliveries… so basically I’m not changing a thing, haha!
With my SPD, I haven’t been able to be super active these last few weeks. I just pulled out my trusty medicine ball (legit have had the same one for 8 years and have used it in all of my pregnancies!) and try to sit on that to help position baby and get ready for labor. It’s also one of the only positions I feel comfortable in at this point!
Hospital Prep

Hospital Prep

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1.) I packed our hospital bag this week and I am so excited to share a post on the blog soon (here) because I really kept it simple this time around with only the essentials. I like to call it The Experienced Mama’s Guide To Packing Your Hospital Bag. Lol!

2.) I have really worked on trying to get things cleaned and organized around the house while I still have energy. I have tried to tackle most of our big projects and will just keep up with our typical cleaning schedule so we can feel organized and ready to bring baby home. We feel happiest at home and really love a clean space, so this one is important to us!

3.) We also deep cleaned the car and got things ready inside. We will probably need another deep clean before baby but feels good to be ready just in case!

4.) Don’t forget to get registered at your hospital and contact baby’s pediatrician!

5.) If you have older kids, come up with a game plan for who will be watching them while you deliver. We are blessed to have two sets of excited grandparents ready to come and spend time with Truman and Tatum!
6.) Wash baby’s things and get the necessities ready. I washed all of baby’s clothes and blankets and packed what I need for the hospital. We also got the bassinet and sleep situation ready this week. I get so giddy when I wake up and see the bassinet all set up now and can’t wait to have a sweet little baby sleeping in there!
7.) Get the carseat and stroller set up and ready. We are going to put the carseat in next week! We love our Maxi-Cosi carseats and went with one again.
Postpartum Prep

Postpartum Prep

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1.)  I like to make padsicles to use the first couple uncomfortable days after birth. They’re super easy to make and really do help! I just made mine this week and have them prepped in the freezer ready to go. All you need are: pads, alcohol free witch hazel, and aloe!

2.) Have your pump ready to go! I like to sanitize all the parts and have it ready to use right away. I also sanitize bottles (just in case) and binkies.3.) We will also prep a handful of freezer meals to have on hand for easy dinners.  So helpful!

4.) I am trying to get all of my collaborations, blog posts, emails, and partnerships done in the next couple of weeks so that I can really enjoy baby and not have to worry about work.  Getting work out of the way for a few weeks is going to help me stay present and enjoy the newborn stage, I can’t wait!


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